Go-To Strategies for a Healthy Immune System

With a renewed focus on getting and staying healthy, many Americans are paying more attention to their diet and exercise routine. Whether you’re simply looking to tweak your already healthy practices or completely revamp your approach, here are some simple ways to help improve your immune system.

Exercise. Working out causes your body’s antibodies and white blood cells to circulate more rapidly. Activity also lowers stress hormones, which can reduce your chances of getting sick. According to experts, too much exercise—in other words, overdoing it—can actually have an adverse effect on your immune system. As with most things, moderation is the best course of action.
Hone your diet. Not surprisingly, what we eat has a big impact on our immune systems. Try reducing the amount of meat you eat and avoid processed and fried foods, all of which can contribute to inflammation. Experts recommend a Mediterranean diet, which is generally rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats, such as those found in certain fish, nuts and olive oil.
Manage stress. Research shows a strong link between mental health and immune health. When you’re living with chronic stress and anxiety, your body increases its level of stress hormones, which suppress your immune system. While it’s impossible to avoid stress altogether, activities like daily exercise or meditation help keep it at bay and under control.

Get enough sleep. Sufficient amounts of sleep also boost your immune system. When you’re sleep deprived, your body churns out more stress hormones to help keep you awake and alert—which, in turn, lowers your immune system. Strive to get between 7 - 9 hours of sleep per night to keep your body balanced and strong.

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